Alexandre Camarao
at Balcony’s LADO B
OPENING: December 16th at 10 pm
On View: 17 Dec. 2021 – 05 Fev. 2022
Support à pied ou mural pour suspendre vêtements et chapeaux.
Balcony Gallery – LADO B
Rua Coronel Bento Roma 10 A | 1700-122 Lisboa
Tuesday to Saturday – 2pm / 7.30pm
A exposição poderá ser visitada até dia 05 de Fevereiro, de Terça-feira a Sábado, entre as 14h00 e as 19h30. Informamos que será sempre necessário que se dirija à galeria Balcony para que alguém o acompanhe.
The exhibition can be visited until February 05th, from Tuesday to Saturday, between 2 pm and 7:30 pm. Please be advise that it’s always necessary that you go to Balcony Gallery so that someone accompany you.